Once in a while we see people posting on facebook asking for support for various causes. As a business we have to be selective over what we can do. Factoring distance, time and expenses. We also factor in the cause the money is being raised for too. We prefer not to take on events for multi-million pound companies as they operate equally as a business.
However in this instance we saw a post by a family who wanted to raise money for a charity that has majorly helped and continue to help their baby daughter born with a rare condition that is SMA type 1. This event was an eye opener.
It seems there is little the NHS can do for children that live with SMA. And the condition can often be fatal for people that live with the condition. The charity however supports the families privately with equipment, support, ongoing treatment and so much more. And that on average the cost to support a child is £1.9 million per year. And is funded by events and donations and sponsorship. Here is the Link if you want to find out more about both SMA type 1 and the charity.
In all honesty, we knew nothing of the condition prior to this event. But we offered our services in the way of our photo booth setup and a little visit with Steampunk-Rex. We offered to put our donations tin out for the digitals ( always free to those in them ), and so much of what we made on prints.
Our offer was accepted and we attended Gisbrough Hall on 12th May to assist in this charity event. Sian and Jack wanted to raise money to support the charity that is helping them so much. So that other families are able to receive the same level of support and pay the kindness forwards which is amazing.
The guests enjoyed a lovely meal, the children dancing and playing with Rex followed by a presentation explaining the evening and what it was for. The video showed the amazing Sienna and family from birth to present day showing Siennas struggles that occur on a daily basis, the treatment and the good times too. It was emotionally supported by her parents Sian and Jack. You could hear the raw emotion as they were reading out their experiences. It was moving and left the room emotional and speechless. Sienna herself was present and enjoying herself not knowing what all the fuss was about as she is too young at the moment. But she quickly caught everyones hearts and was the start of the show.
Like any successful fundraising event, it turned into a party. With games, a raffle, the photobooth and very good music to dance along with.
Over the course of the evening we had many people endure Paul's bad jokes and strict posing ;) We certainly made many smiles and laughs along with a few shock horror moments. But we got several sales and we were able to donate somewhere just over £50. We do not know the total raised that night but we believe it to be a high amount. We will update it as we find out.
It was clear though over the course of the evening that an old phrase is so true. That it takes a village to raise a child. The kindness and generosity of those that attended was phenomenal. The level of care and support could not have been clearer that night. And that no matter how strong people are support is always needed in the right way at the right time.
From what I gather because the event was such a success there is a huge possibility of this becoming an annual event. And hopefully we can continue to help this family.
We are open to future charity events but each is decided on a case by case basis.